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Wednesday, August 1, 2012


再加上我想送给最亲爱的人,一直想着要画些什么,可是事与愿违,忘了字体需倒反写,卷到一半发现卷错边,字体往里面卷了...-.- 所以大家根本不懂我要表达的是什么...哈哈~ 因为要三四个小时车程,所以用了蓝莓酱做内线..男朋友说好吃耶! 呵呵…


之前早有耳闻这款蛋糕出了名软,冷藏后的风味更是无法挡~ 所以怎么可能不做呢? 因为看到外头卖得有点贵,是一个一个卖的,有点买不下手...

Monday, July 30, 2012


蛋糕卷在晚上完成,隔天马上切开看成果,有一点点像样啦...哈哈! 但是味道我很满意哦,是我太容易满足吗...XD 我也带了几片给同事分享,得到的也是好的评价哟! 其余的当然是被家人解决了,独乐乐不如众乐乐嘛~ =)

Thursday, July 26, 2012


这真的是我从很久很久以前就很羡慕蛋糕店的不同装饰蛋糕,能够呈现不同节日的感觉,更能给收到的人也收到惊喜~ 当然会烘培之后一定要尝试...虽然没有特别节日,只是单纯想尝试,所以就动手咯~
虽然不美,但是我还是非常开心也很有满足感,美中不足的地方也还是看得出来的...就像你所看到的,表面cream很厚,彩色珠子糖洒得不均匀,还有我笨笨的在植物性奶油里加糖,变得super甜!!有够甜死人的本事了... -.-好在家人给面子吃完,不一会儿我的蛋糕只剩半粒,哈哈~下次会再挑战!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Peach cake roll~

这是我上个月的作品,第一个蛋糕卷,有小小的成就感~ 用了戚风蛋糕体,待蛋糕体凉后加上奶油,再用罐头桃子做内线,卷起用蛋糕纸抱包紧放入冰箱二或三小时即可切片享用~冰冰的蛋糕,真的好享受哦~值得一试~只是卷得不美,旁边有点小裂开,不过口感是不错滴...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

再战戚风 -- 蓝莓戚风

真的越战越有信心的mood  了~~



Monday, June 25, 2012

处女作 -- 班兰戚风~

星期六下午我去大采购, 买了很多烘培用品,因为好不容易找到烘培材料店!! 超开心咯!!
过后心痒痒..想着到底要不要买新的搅拌器..因为旧的坏了好久,等到搬家还要几个月..最后按奈不了欲望..还是把搅拌器败回家料~~ 嘻嘻..



刚好中午妈妈渣了班兰叶, 所以就动手做了我想做很久很久的戚风蛋糕!!






不过真的真的很软~ 颜色没那么绿,可能是班兰叶的关系..

下次要做到更美!! 但是现在已经感觉到成就感满满~ 



星期天去书局败了两本食谱~ 都是蛋糕卷,所以可想而知我的下个目标了吧..嘻嘻..


如果有花不完的钱多好啊~~ >.<

Thursday, June 21, 2012



有时候怕会浪费掉, 因为如果失败的话...哈哈!!
而我就很少吃, 真的不懂做么我不爱吃咧.. =.=||

Monday, June 18, 2012

Again & again~

现在每个星期都会到新家报到, 因为刚拿锁匙,所以有很多东西要开始准备了~


Again & again~ cupcakes come again..=P

Again & again~ choco cupcakes~



Wednesday, June 13, 2012


虽然我很爱热热,滚滚,烫烫,辣辣的食物,但是我也很爱喝冷水,吃冰耶.. =.=
- 子宫肌瘤变大
- 容易便秘
- 抵抗力变差
- 四肢易冰冷
- 白带很难治好等等..

这些后果真的很够力一下咧.. >.<

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Since June started, the only mood can described is BLUE~
There is no reason why so blue..haha!!
Just feel like very lazy to do things and think~
But time still passes fast and today is Wednesday again, two more days going to Friday already~

Last night finally decided where to celebrate Father's Day on this Sunday..
Gonna to have a big big meal again~ yeah!!
Sad case is, my tummy become bigger and bigger..T.T
All because of my lazy bone.. after eat then sit, sit then eat again..OMG!!
Hope I can find back my motivation soon to reduce those fatness!!

Monday, June 11, 2012


上个星期六我亲爱的来jb 找我..


当然还有第二次做免烘烤的cheese cake..这次是Mango Yogurt Cheese Cake~
可是因为芒果都卖完了,只好用了罐头peaches 来代替...
我觉得我很奇怪, 我反而很少吃自己做的食物耶..

这次用的是marie 饼干..所以有点散..看来下次用回oreo 比较好..哈哈!!


Thursday, June 7, 2012

成功?? 失败??

很开心终于成功~ 不枉费我努力上网搜索秘诀..嘻嘻..
再来是, 把蛋白先打得呈现鱼眼状态,再加入一点盐, 白醋或是塔塔粉,这三样真的真的是秘诀中的秘诀啊!! 然后才加入1/3 细砂糖, 一次加太多砂糖反而难打出细泡..
所以要分次加入..相较于前天打到要一个小时都还没细泡, 昨晚我竟然只用了不到半个小时耶!!
因为我要做天使蛋糕,那是一种很健康的蛋糕,因为只用了蛋白,糖和面粉罢了..完完全全无油脂, 蛋白放入盐是为了让蛋糕更加白..都说是天使蛋糕了,顾名思义就是白白的..哈哈~

这就是所谓的湿性发泡~ 有没有看到被拉出的尖角呈现有点弯曲的角度呢??
干性发泡的话呢, 就是继续打到拉出的尖角呈现直立状态,然后就算把盆翻过来,蛋白也不会掉下来的那种..


很白对吗..?? 就是因为这样才叫天使蛋糕吧..


我觉得我在混合面粉和蛋白时应该出现了我不知道的问题,所以我的蛋糕才这么矮.. T.T
别人的都是很蛋糕的咧..而且我的吃起来的口感有一点韧韧的, 很面包和蛋糕之间..就是那种咬起来像面包,但是味道像蛋糕..哈哈~ 没关系,至少蛋白打发这个基础算是合格了..其它的可以再研究一下~ =)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Quite active in blogging recently, the mode was finally ON 2 days ago..hehe..
Last night planned to bake a cake by using rice cooker, but at the end failed..
I think the reason was the egg, my mixer broken few months ago, plan to have a new one after moving house, so i tried to use my hands to stir the egg white with sugar, this process calls 打发.. the basic skill of baking..
I read some blogs, found that stirring by hands need more than half an hour, but i stirred for near one hour last night, still cant see the result I wish for.. T.T
at last I gave up, straightly mix all ingredients together then put them into the rice cooker to cook..
Same as what I predicted, the result was horrible..LOL!!
like pancake? like thicker roti canai? =.=
Anyway, I won't give up easily, time needed to improve myself, hwaiting go go!!
But my hands feel damn tired after stirring for so long time!! feel like my muscle growing abit..oh no!!

Yesterday we get the key of new house finally and the renovations can be started soon~

I'm here countdown for Friday again!! haha~ Actually this week passes fast also, it's good to have this feeling because I can meet with my lovely boyfriend again this weekend..!! wuhuu!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Yeah~ Finally I got my new phone!!
This is the first time I own a smartphone..
In last year, I planned to buy iphone 5 but at last iphone 4S was launched.. =.=
so I waited again and finally I gave up iphone, choose Samsung Galaxy SIII~

Actually at first the outlook of the phone was not so attractive for me, I prefer S2 appearance..
but after my boyfriend introduce me about the functions of S3 with the video, feel not bad with this phone..
so finally it launched in M'sia last week, and i went to the roadshow held at KSL last Friday to get the phone.
At last, I signed the data plan contract with Digi.. feel like useless if without signing plan..LOL!!
The opinion from me on using the phone since last Friday is: not bad to use, color is sharp, very HD!!
Sometimes it might lag abit, but overall process in well =)
It is very light, this is out of my expectation..haha..because it looks big!!
The only thing I'm still waiting for is, the accessories of this phone~
My screen protector is yet to be taken off, just like what you see in the 1st photo of the photo collage..LOL!! it's kinda funny because I can't see the word sometimes.. XD


Recently, I like to read blog. Blogs of baking..!!
I found many bloggers with baking recipes & comments~
I really wish I can reach the same level as them..
From their blog stories, I can see most of them started from zero knowledge, but at last they can make a nice and beautiful cakes~
So, I wish I can be the same too..
After I moving house, with new oven, new mixer and new tools, I must train myself well to achieve my ambition~!! 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

I ♥ my life

Recently, i quite seldom update my blog due to some reasons - time + feeling + mood..LOL
but i'm now here to summarize the happenings these months..
i'm enjoying my life currently and i'm glad those happenings are wonderful and happiness~
In my working life, it's busy most of the time, but not busy until OT..
new colleagues joined and some teachings were given to them. According to my manager, teach her what i know and it will make your working life more relax as they can share same level of cases..haha..
so overall, it's still quite enjoyable and didn't panic me..

Life goes on~

In my friendship, i feel happy because i almost meet my lovely friends every month..
although not all my lovely sistas can join the gathering every month, but for sure i did meet my best friend and best sista, xiao shi once i went KL~
I really feel happy you willing to take time to meet up with me... =)
I so happy with her now as she finally can put down the stress of finding job, wish her luck and i will always support her and give her strength!! GOD bless you!!
Other than xiao shi, i still met up with yee leng, my 3rd younger sista who also always busy working and studying ACCA at the same time, wish her luck also on her study & working life~ 
Pang jia kee, my 7th younger sista, she always get bullied by me and i also get bullied by her sometimes.. compare to other sistas, she's the only one let me got feel to bully her.. LOL!! but i think she become happier recently, all happened after meeting with SNSD at KLCC in few months ago!! 

gathering with xiao shi, yeeleng, jiakee at i-city~

finally fulfill our wish~ dinner at Daorae ^^

Yes, i met my girls finally!! The success of meeting my girls came from pang jia kee also, she helped to grab the ticket and we got chance to stand very front, that feeling of seeing the girls on the stage was so fantastic!! It was just like a dream, the news of they visited M'sia was so sudden and made me, xiao shi and jiakee very excited!! I took leave to KL just because of i want to see them in real person and dance in front of me..!! after the small concert, we 3 start to waiting for their first concert in M'sia and we had promised to go enjoy together~ =D 

meeting up with my girls - SNSD at KLCC~
taken girls' photo by my ipod, but not clear..haiz!!

In my family, although there is an unhappy and shock happened, it's over and it will be kept in the deepest part of my heart. And now, at least now the atmosphere of the family is warm and sweet. My younger sister left home and continue her study life at Kampar, Perak. Soon we will go visit her on this coming saturday. Guessing it will be a long journey to there, i have already bought a bucket of popcorn to enjoy along the journey..hehe..

Most of the time at home, she's the only one i play with~

In my love, everything happened with nice, sweet, memorable and warm. As usual, we met at least twice a month, he visits me at JB and i visit him at KL. We both enjoy and treasure the time we gather, although same routines were repeated like eat and movies, but we still enjoy them with happily. Finally he realised what he promised me before, Jogoya & crabs meal!! hehe.. We seldom quarrel, that's the part i proud of it... I tink we both feel the same, distance made us can't see each other everyday, only use phone to connect our voices and feel each other by the tones. The chance we can meet up is more important than other things. But we still quite lucky, we not in distance of overseas, just near 4 hours driving distance.. =) 

Crabs meal ( Monster meal)..LOL

Actually, i really thank him to make my life more complete.. He willing to join the gathering of my friends even though he's the only guy.. I know sometimes i might stubborn, he also compatible with me.. I know he dote me alot, what i required, he will try his best to fulfill it... I really like the way we communicate, sometimes i feel like we are friends, we share secrets, we concern, dote and care each other; just one thing more than friends, we love each other...♥ Maybe others might not understand why i describe like this, but he & me know it is enough... =) I really proud of this relationship, we communicate like friends just the appellation closer abit; we care & protect each other like friends but we hold hands; the style of our communicate was relax and won't stress each other, humor things happened more than normal love relationship... These reasons make our love stronger, complete, wonderful and unique..Hopefully it will be everlasting.. ♥

Some people said we look alike each other..LOL!!

I really love my life now, i own what i have wished before, lovely family, friends and boyfriend... In my concept, I can work, eat, play, enjoy and love, this call happiness. Don't you think so?? =)


p.s. wish my family, friends, boyfriend stay health and happy always~ =)