last saturday my whole family went the trip of pulau langkawi, penang and ipoh by taking bus^^
tis is the 2nd time my dad brought us go for a trip (the 1st time was genting highland...)
in pulau langkawi, we went to the hill to take a view of the beautiful scenes by taking cable car...
the 2nd day, we went to penang to visit all of the famous temples...
but tat was not a nice experience since the weather was damn hot!!!
the unforgettable experience tat i gained in the trip in penang is the ---hotel!!!
tat's becos the room is damn comfortable n new^^
the last day of the trip, we went to ipoh to take our lunch n then we went back to JB...
the comfortable room^^
(for my sis n me only)
6 siblings of us~~!!
8 family members of us...
beautiful view from the top of hill^^
me -- snake ^^
my dad n mum^^
too hot!!! ( see their faces can know ady...XD)
3 sisters of us...
my 3 brothers~
after tis trip, my mgt assign make me CRAZY!!!
shit assign!!!